Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hey all! I hope this finds you all well. Things have been busy around the old home place lately. I have been busy planting new flower beds, trying to find some goodies for the upcoming Farmhouse Market and keeping the cabin and shop stocked. It's been crazy. But, crazy good. I love it, I really do. I love the warm weather. I know it's so bad but I love a good tan. Things are definetly shaping up around here. Larry and I took a walk around this evening and made our list of projects that we want to get done before the market on June 30th. Are you planning on joining us? I think it will be fun. Kim and I have been trying to stockpile treasures for you all. So, what have you all been up to? I got reservations for us to go camping and canoeing next month in Missouri. That's what I wanted to do for my BIG birthday this year. As you know, this girl loves her Missouri rivers! I haven't gotten to go canoeing with my son Zachary in years. But now that he is out of the Marines and home hopefully we'll get to go a lot more often. Plus, there is a bonus...he has an awesome new wife to share the adventure with us! Well friends, this girl is wiped out. Going to call it a night. Sweet dreams, we'll talk again soon. Tina

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A great Day!

Wow! What a great day it was! Church was amazing. Got a message that I needed to hear. Actually something Larry and I both needed. I hope you all had a great weekend. It was cold and cloudy but the sun did finally peek out late this afternoon. I worked in the yard all afternoon. Larry mowed and then he caught me with the clippers. You see, Larry usually has a fit when he see's I have the clippers. For some unknown reason he thinks he is the only one that can trim the bushes or trees around here. Well folks I must say times are a changing around here! This girl has been a trimming fool this week! I don't think that there is a bush or tree on our place that I haven't gotten ahold of this week. And the most amazing thing is Larry didn't say a word. Oh don't get me wrong he gave me the look, yeah I know you know the look I am talking about and he shook his head...ALOT! But all is good. He eventually admitted that things look a lot better. Well thank you JESUS! You see, I used to like the overgrown and kinda wild, natural look and Larry likes the privacy of the bushes. But, this year I don't like that look. I am wanting a more manicured look. The funny thing is Larry started going CRAZY!!! We cut and trimmed even more than what I was going to, it was so great! We had such a good day. I love working together on our place. I am very fortunate that Larry is as passionate about it as I am. So many people think of doing that as a lot of work, but we love it. It's what we do for fun this time of year. That and antiquing and fixing up our place is our hobby. Well anyone that knows Larry also knows he is nuts about deer and turkey hunting too. We took a ride this evening and picked up a pizza. We cruised through the country and saw some deer and just had a good talk. We have a couple of different friends that are going through some especially difficult times right now. Larry and I prayed together and just praised God for all the blessings he has given us. I encourage you if you don't already to start praying with your other half. It is very powerful. It has brought our relationship with each other and with God on a different level. We have been blessed to be a part of a small bible study group from church and have really learned how powerful prayer is and praise. God loves to hear our praise. I am have much to be thankful for and the glory and praise go to God. I hope that you all have a very blessed week. Go be a blessing to someone. It's amazing what just a phone call or text can mean to someone. We'll talk again soon my friends. God bless you all. Tina

Friday, April 20, 2012

Confession Time

Hey all! I thought it was time for me to fess up...I have a MAJOR addiction! yes, I said addiction. My drug of choice is flowers! There, I said it. I just can't resist them. I see a sign for a greenhouse I just have to stop and get a fix. Oh my friends it's bad. I don't care if they are annuals or perry ails it makes no difference I just want them all. Now I am a little picky...especially with annuals. I love red. Red geraniums,red inpatients it just says summer to me. I always tell myself that I am not going to do so many annuals, but really, I should know better. I always come home with a carload. I have been to my favorite local greenhouse like 5 times already. I do think I bought my last hanging basket today. Yes, even on a rainy morning you can still find me shopping. I am not going to let a little rain slow me down. Larry and I have made 3 new beds so far and I have pretty much filled them by just dividing a lot of the things I already have. So, that's not to bad is it? I got some awesome succulents today too. That's kinda a new obsession. They remind me of my time in California, where I saw all kinds of cool ones. So, I guess tomorrow my plan is guessed it...more flower shopping and planting. I have a wonderful new RED clematis to put in the ground. Can't wait. I will let you know what i find. Do you have a favorite plant for me to try or any suggestions or recommendations? Also, since I couldn't dig in the dirt today I decided to work in my shop. My sweet daughter-in-law is putting on the finishing touches of the new paint job and I just HAD to start playing in there and putting it back together with some of the great stuff I got earlier in the week. It is looking good folks. The new paint job just made it so much brighter and fresh looking. I am going to have fun playing in there. I still have stuff everywhere but it's getting there. It is definetly a work in progress. If you are in the area I will be open by appointment if you'd like to stop by. I will be posting some pics on my facebook page later. I needed a day like today. Raining and quiet. I have been working like a mad woman the last few days and it was kinda nice to just have a slower paced day. I don't know why I think I have to get everything done all in one day but that's just how I roll. Have a list and want every stinking thing on the list done by the end of the day...even if it just about kicks my butt!!! Well my peeps, i am off to bed now. I have a new list to make tomorrow and a red clematis waiting on me! Sweet dreams, Tina

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hey all! Hope you all enjoyed a great weekend. We did around here. Larry and I are working on the yard trying to get things whipped into shape for the Farmhouse Market! We put in a couple new flower beds and divided a bunch of plants to put in them. I still need a couple good trips to the greenhouse and nurseries. I love flowers. I got a few hanging baskets on Friday that are gorgeous. I have an awesome greenhouse that is run by an Amish family close to us. They have great prices and nice plants. It is dangerous to my checkbook! I feel like there is so much to do and I am trying hard not to get overwhelmed and to just take one day at a time. I know it will all work out, it always does. I just tend to put a lot of pressure on myself, I want everything to be perfect!! Well tomorrow I am making a trip to my pickers. He said he has a lot for me to look at so I am hoping to make a haul! I need to redo my primitive booth in Arthur this week. I am so happy that the rummage sales have started up again, I soooo loved to rummage! I got some great treasures last year so hopefully I will be just as blessed this summer. I did get myself an awesome garden cart last week. I have put it to good use today. The only problem is trying to wheel it around the yard with my 3 boxers chasing the tires! It is quite a challenge. So what have you all been up to? Finding any good treasures lately? I will hopefully have some pics of some of the goodies I get tomorrow. Pics will be on my personal Facebook page. Tina Herman Kauffman. You all have a great night and sweet dreams. We'll talk again soon!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Big Scoop!

Hey there friends! I hope this evening finds you all well. It's cold here in central Illinois tonight. In fact we have a freeze warning. It's crazy. We have already had days in the 80's. Oh well, it was a good excuse to have a nice fire in the fireplace. Well, in case you haven't heard the news yet...I am teaming up with my dear friend Kim Groothuis of Greathouseofcountry, my beautiful daughter Darby Harden of Underground Vintage for a big new adventure!!! We will be hosting "The Farmhouse Market". It will be held here at my house and will be featuring Early Country, Primitives and Vintage wares for Home & Garden. We'll be joined by a few select vendors offering all kinds of good stuff. We are super excited and committed to making this an awesome event. Things are already happening around the home place. My sweet daughter-in-law is giving the inside of the shop a fresh coat of paint, Larry and I have been moving things in and out of the cabins. We have a mile long list of to do's! But it's going to be so worth it. If you would like to join us as a vendor please let me know, we loved to have ya. The more the merrier. We want to put together just a fun group of people with good stuff! Shouldn't be hard to do! Well I hope not anyway. The 1st one is June 30th so times a tickin. Well, gotta run. I am falling asleep because I didn't sleep at all last night cause my little brain was working overtime. Making lists in my head, thinkin of all the ideas I have and all the things I want to do and offer at the market. So it's Advil p.m and hoping for the best. Sweet dreams friends. We"ll talk again real soon. I am open to suggestions for what you would like to see at this market and what we can do to make it a truly unique event. Tina

Friday, April 6, 2012

I woke up this morning here at our cabin Pike Co. Il just feeling so happy. I love it here. In the mornings all you here are the birds and the turkeys gobbling this time of year. The no traffic noise, no neighbors no anything. Occasionally you can hear a train way off in the distanc. It is just so peaceful,it soothes my soul. I took an early walk and found quite a few fresh mushrooms and could only wish I could have the whole week here. Just imagine how many mushrooms I could find! As Larry and I drove the 25 minutes to town all we could do was praise God for all the beauty that we were seeing and enjoying. All the different shades of green, the dogwoods in full bloom, the smell of honeysuckle in the air it was glorious. We reworked and restocked my booth at Country Fixins and went out for lunch. We had some other stops to make but both of us couldn't wait to get back to the cabin. We started a fire and did a little more shroom in but we mainly just chilled and soaked up the beauty around us. I feel so at peace here and So thankful for this place. I thank God everyday that he brought Larry to me. Someone that enjoys and appreciates the same things as I do. I have been doing a lot of thinking about this Easter weekend and the true meaning of Easter. Just the thought of Jesus dying on that cross and taking on all our sins, just overwhelms me. As a parent I can't even begin to comprehend how God must have felt, knowing what was to happen to his son. Until I became a Christian and started having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Easter was about egg hunts, the Easter bunny and a good meal. But now, I understand the true meaning of Easter and the significance of it all. And for that I am so thankful. As the day is ending and as I sit here in this beautiful place I know in my heart I am truly blessed in so many ways. I encourage you all to think about why we have Easter. I hope you all have a blessed weekend. I will be spending the day with my loved ones and yes we will have an egg hunt and a great meal but now I know the true meaning of Easter Sunday. We'll talk again soon! Tina

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just me

Hey all! I wanted to tell you all a little about me and who I am. I am 49 years old,married and have 2 awesome kids and 1 very precious granddaughter. I was born and raised in Missouri and have lived in central Illinois for almost 27 years. BUT...I will always be a Missouri girl at heart. I have been blessed to have 2 very talented and hardworking kids who are the light of my life. My daughter Darby has grown into a wonderful woman and an awesome mom to Bella. I am so proud of her. She has her own business Underground Vintage Studio where she makes some really awesome things. My son is a former Marine and got out of the service in October after serving our country for 4 years and 2 tours of duty. He married a wonderful girl from Oklahoma and we couldn't be more proud of him. We are just so happy to have him home again. It is so awesome to just here his big ole truck pulling up the drive. I missed that for 4 years. Let me tell you now about my husband Larry. The good Lord pleased me with him almost 21 years ago. He is such an incredible man and he makes me a much better person. He is so supportive of me and my business(even when I have his shop full of my stuff) and I pray every day for God to help me be the wife that he needs and deserves. I have many faults. I am stubborn and so very hard headed(something I also passed on to my kids). I am painfully honest, so if you ask me for my opinion just know that I will tell you the truth. I have zero tolerance for liars,thieves, b.s. or drama. I don't have the time or patience for any of that stuff. I can't tolerate people thinking that they are better than others. Hey we all poop, so my thought is just get over yourself already. I get my feelings hurt easily and have been known to stay mad for awhile. But if you are down I will have your back and if you need it I will give you the shirt off my back. I love with all my heart and am loyal. I try to live each day for God and be the best that I can be. My life changed 6 years ago when I accepted Christ and have come along way. I am still very much a work in progress. God has blessed me with many gifts. The gift of gab was definitely one of those gifts. My favorite things to do are junkin, floating in a canoe down a Missouri river and working in my yard. I totally love flowers and have many flower beds in our yard. I love to decorate and do change things around here on a regular basis. Well friends that's the scoop on me, tell about you. Hopefully we will be spending some time together and I would like to learn more about you and what makes you tick. I posted some fresh offerings on my Facebook page this afternoon, check it out if you get a chance. Have an awesome evening and we'll talk again soon. Tina